High current in small motors
When i visited the site in the first instance i had look into the purity of the supply and confirmed it is ok, and then i measured the current drawing, pf and voltage and concluded there is no issue with motor as a individual component.
The main concern of the customer is motor is running at full load when we took trials on the water, but real substance which is going to come in agitator is 1.14 denser than the water. So motors will definitely run over loaded as the density is more load will be more, and all motors are going get tripped for sure as the SIMCODE relay set exactly for rated current.
Then what i concluded to the agitator manufacturer and customer that there is no issue with the motor, but agitator designer has opted for lower capacity motor, so motor rating needs to be increased.
Now you guys tell me,
1) What could be the reason?
2) Can we work out anything so that without replacing motor, it should take load of 1.15 dense material.
3) How to calculate the which rating motor is suitable for the agitator.