PLC Technician Certification
I have learned to troubleshoot programs within a PLC, I have learned how to do minor programming within RSLogix 5000, 500 and SLC5, I have an understanding of the internal workings of the CPU. I have a solid understanding of the number system such as 2's compliment, base 2 base 10 base 16 conversions. I have a solid understanding on troubleshooting I/O and all hardware within the PLC platform. Also recived a solid understanding of Avanced Programming Languges such as Sequential Function Chart (SFC), Function Block Diagram (FBD), Structured Text (ST) and Instruction List (IL).I specialize in process automation from 24v DC up to 4160v AC using Hart 4/20 Ma, and Foundation Fieldbus protocols. Communicating with MOD BUS and Device Net. Thank you group for helping me achive my goals!